historical aerial photograph of Oakland, Alameda, Port of Oakland with Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge under construction, California, 1935

historical aerial photograph of Oakland, Alameda, Port of Oakland with Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge under construction, California, 1935
Filename: Oakland-1935-historical-aerial-AHHH1001.tif
Copyright ©aerialarchives.com
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California Historical Aerial Photography, Bridges | Aerial Photographs, Oakland Historical Aerial Photography, Ports | Aerial Photographs, Oakland Aerial Photography, 1930s Historical Aerial Photographs
Copyright ©aerialarchives.com
View This Image's Galleries:
California Historical Aerial Photography, Bridges | Aerial Photographs, Oakland Historical Aerial Photography, Ports | Aerial Photographs, Oakland Aerial Photography, 1930s Historical Aerial Photographs
Oakland, California, 1935, 1930s, Oakland, island, historical aerial photograph, Alameda estuary, Lake Merritt, downtown, city, fill, pier, piers, berth, dock, wharf, Alameda Naval airstation, Port of Oakland, port, business, cargo, cargoes, coast, coastal, coasts, commerce, commercial, freight, harbor, harbors, harbour, harbours, international, marine, maritime, nautical, pier, piers, ports, shipping, trade, Golden Gate Bridge, Bay Bridge, under construction, construction, build, building, business, capitalism, commerce, construction, develop, development, expansion, bridges, cable, cables, commute, commuting, crossing, crossings, engineering, span, spans, suspension, bridge, tower, towers, traffic, transport, transportation, travel, traveling, historic, old, vintage, city, metro, metropolitan, municipal, municipality, urban, urbanized, image, imagery, aerialarchives, aerials, air, elevated, from, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photograph, photography, views, America, American, California, Californian, CA, west, western, United States, US, USA, black and white, monotone, duotone, FJ07JT, AHHH1001