aerial photograph of Lampson Field airport (1O2), Lakeport, Lake County, California

aerial photograph of Lampson Field airport (1O2), Lakeport, Lake County, California toward Mount Konocti at dusk, a Piper Malibu waits for take off in the run up area.
Filename: Lampson-Field-aerial-photo-AHLE1083.jpg
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Lampson Field Airport | Lakeport California, Lake County California | Aerial Photography, Lakeport, California
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Lampson Field Airport | Lakeport California, Lake County California | Aerial Photography, Lakeport, California
Lampson Field, 1O2, Lakeport, 28, threshold, dusk, Mount Konocti, aeronautics, air, airfield, airport, aviation, diagonal, field, flight, flying, general, infrastructure, landing, landings, lights, marking, markings, pavement, rubber, runway, transport, transportation, travel, traveling, taxiway, grapes, agriculture, farming, walnuts, trees, orchard, orchards, vineyards, public, REACH air medical services, aerialarchives, aerial, aerials, air, elevated, from, Herb Lingl, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photography views, America, American, California, Californian, CA, west, western, United States, US, USA, AHLE1083