historical aerial photograph of the area east of Salton Sea, Imperial County, California, 1947

historical aerial photograph of the area east of Salton Sea, Imperial County, California, 1947
Filename: Imperial-County-CA-historical-aerial-AHLV4417.jpg
Copyright © aerialarchives.com
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California Historical Aerial Photography, Erosion | Aerial Photographs, 1940s Historical Aerial Photographs, Imperial County California Aerial Photography
Copyright © aerialarchives.com
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California Historical Aerial Photography, Erosion | Aerial Photographs, 1940s Historical Aerial Photographs, Imperial County California Aerial Photography
Salton Sea, Imperial County, 1947, 1940s, Coachella valley, Salton Sink, Colorado Desert, Southern California, below sea level, agriculatural runoff, saline, salt, salty, San Andreas Fault, environment, environmental, erode, eroded, erosion, lake, lakes, basin, basins, drainage, groundwater, hydrology, water, enhoheic rift lake, endoheic, historical aerial photograph, antique, historic, old, vintage, aerial, map, straight, down, image, imagery, arid, barren, climate, desert, desolate, dry, empty, nature, rural, vertical, aerialarchives, aerials, air, elevated, from, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photograph, photography, views, America, American, California, Californian, CA, west, western, United States, US, USA, FAFT46, AHLV4417