Panoramic photograph of dawn at Clear Lake, viewed from the shoreline at North Lakeport, Lake County, California. The volcano Mount Konocti is in the background. Piers appear unusually high because of an extensive drought.
Filename: Clear-Lake-CA-dawn-panoramic-AHLC3566.jpg
Copyright ©Herb Lingl/herblingl.com
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Lakeport, California
Copyright ©Herb Lingl/herblingl.com
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Lakeport, California
Clear Lake, Lake County, California, lake, natural, fresh water, erode, eroded, erosion, deposit, fluivial, fluid, flow, mud, suspended, beginning, beginnings, color, colorful, twlight, inspiring, inspiration, sunrise, pre-sunrise, pier, piers, berth, dock, wharf, docks, large, landform, peak, peaks, rising, slope, slopes, sloped, steep, terrain, northern Califonia, oldest, panoramic, Herb Lingl, America, American, California, Californian, CA, west, western, United States, US, USA