Petaluma Municipal Airport

Pilot and mechanic Jennifer Foreman in her Cessna 172, Petaluma Municipal Airport, Petaluma, Sonoma County, California. Jennifer is a certified flight instructor, airframe and power plant mechanic with inspector authorization and has owned or been a partner in two helicopters. She worked as a mechanic for Aeroventure.
Filename: Cessna-172-pilot-AHLC3196.jpg
Copyright © Herb Lingl/
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Portraits of Pilots | Herb Lingl, Petaluma Municipal Airport
Copyright © Herb Lingl/
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Portraits of Pilots | Herb Lingl, Petaluma Municipal Airport
Jennifer Foreman, pilot, female, woman, mechanic, Cessna 172, 172, cockpit, aircraft, airplane, airplanes, aeroplane, aeroplanes, aviation, flight, fly, flying, plane, planes, instrument panel, instrument, instruments, headset, Herb Lingl, Petaluma Municipal Airport, O69, Petaluma, Sonoma county, California, growth management, city, aeronautics, air, airfield, airport, aviation, ield, flight, flying, general, infrastructure, aerialarchives, Aerial Archives, runway, runways, transport, transportation, travel, traveling, taxiway, metro, metropolitan, municipal, municipality, urban, urbanized, high, America, American, Californian, northern California, CA, west, western, United States, US, USA