FAA certified seaplane flight instructor and owner of Mac's Seaplane Service, Troy MacVey after providing a flight lesson in a Taylorcraft BC12-D on Edo 1320 floats

FAA certified seaplane flight instructor and owner of Mac's Seaplane Service, Troy MacVey after providing a flight lesson in a Taylorcraft BC12-D on Edo 1320 floats
Filename: Troy-MacVey-CFI-DPE-Rising-Sun-Indiana-AHLC4728.jpg
Copyright © Herb Lingl/aerialarchives.com
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Texas Aerial Photographs, Photographs of Seaplane Bases, Taylorcraft Straight Floats Ferry Flight
Copyright © Herb Lingl/aerialarchives.com
View This Image's Galleries:
Texas Aerial Photographs, Photographs of Seaplane Bases, Taylorcraft Straight Floats Ferry Flight
FAA, certified, seaplane, flight instructor, CFI, DPE, owner, Mac's Seaplane Service, Troy MacVey, flight lesson, Taylorcraft, BC12-D, n Edo 1320, floats, pilot, aviator, flyer, Herb Lingl, aviation, aeronautics, air, aviation, flight, flying, flow, general, infrastructure, landing, landings, marking, markings, navigation, transport, transportation, travel, traveling, travelling Illinois, IL, seaplane, floatplane, AHLC4728