Alabama Clearcutting | Image ID: AHLB5286

Aerial view of clear cutting, rural forest, Alabama
Filename: Clearcutting-Alabama-aerial-photo-AHLB5286.jpg
Copyright ©Herb Lingl/
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Alabama Aerial Photographs, Clearcutting Forests Aerial Photography
Copyright ©Herb Lingl/
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Alabama Aerial Photographs, Clearcutting Forests Aerial Photography
aerial, view, above, clear, cutting, forest, rural, Alabama, clearfelling, clear, cut, cutting, forest, management, forestry, logging, controversial, destruction, of, habitat, contributor, to, global, warming, environmental, damage, slash, and burn, clearcutting, aerialarchives, aerials, air, elevated, from, Herb, Lingl, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photograph, photography, views, AL, south, southeast, southeastern, heart, of, dixie, bible, belt, United States, USA, BNTN4M, AHLB5286