aerial photograph of the Camping World Stadium toward the skyline of Orlando, Florida

aerial photograph of the Camping World Stadium also known as the Orlando Stadium, Tangerine Bowl and Florida Citrus Bowl toward the skyline of Orlando, Florida
Filename: Camping-World-Stadium-Orlando-aerial-photo-AHLB4983.jpg
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Stadiums | Aerial Photographs, Florida Aerial Photographs, Orlando Florida Aerial Photography
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Stadiums | Aerial Photographs, Florida Aerial Photographs, Orlando Florida Aerial Photography
Camping World Stadium, Citrus, Bowl, Tangerine, athletic, athletics, arena, aerial, above, Citrus, athletic, athletics, arena, coliseum, stadium, sport, sports, Orlando, Florida, architecture, city, cityscape, destination, destinations, high, rise, metro, metropolitan, skyline, skyscraper, skyscrapers, urban, urbanized, aerial, above, aerialarchives, aerial, photography, aerials, air, elevated, from, Herb, Lingl, aerial, above, Citrus, athletic, athletics, arena, coliseum, stadium, sport, sports, Orlando, Florida, architecture, city, cityscape, destination, destinations, high, rise, metro, metropolitan, skyline, skyscraper, skyscrapers, urban, urbanized, aerialarchives, aerial, photography, aerials, air, elevated, from, Herb, Lingl, high, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, view, views, America, American, Florida, Floridian, FL, east, eastern, United, States, US, USA, APMJCC, AHLB4983