Electrical Transmission Tower, Bair island

aerial photograph electrical transmission tower, Bair Island, Redwood City, California
Filename: electrical-transmission-tower-Bair-Island-aerial-photo-AHLB2448.jpg
Copyright ©Herb Lingl/aerialarchives.com ©aerialarchives.com
View This Image's Galleries:
Wetlands Aerial Photography, Redwood City Aerial Photography, Electrical Transmission Lines and Towers | Aerial Photographs
Copyright ©Herb Lingl/aerialarchives.com ©aerialarchives.com
View This Image's Galleries:
Wetlands Aerial Photography, Redwood City Aerial Photography, Electrical Transmission Lines and Towers | Aerial Photographs
electrical, transmission, tower, towers, aerial, aerial photograph, Bair Island, Redwood City, California, conservation, ecology, ecosystem, environment, environmental, habitat, landscape, tidal, marsh, marshland, park, refuge, sanctuary, wetland, wildlife, power, lines, electricity, power, power transmission, shadow, three, 3, above, aerialarchives, aerial photography, aerial view, aerial views, aerial photograph, aerials, from above, overview, overviews, America, American, Californian, CA, west, western, United States, US, USA, AHLB2448