aerial photograph of the construction of the highway 101 off ramp in Hayes Valley, San Francisco, California

aerial photograph of the construction of the highway 101 off ramp in Hayes Valley, San Francisco, California, March 31, 2005
Filename: Off-ramp-construction-101-San-Francisco-aerial-photo-AHLB2301.jpg
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San Francisco Aerial Photographs, Aerial Photography of Construction, Construction | San Francisco Aerial Photography
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San Francisco Aerial Photographs, Aerial Photography of Construction, Construction | San Francisco Aerial Photography
highway, freeway, central, 101, ramp, off-ramp, construction, Hayes Valley, San Francisco, California aerial, above aerialarchives, aerial photography, aerials, air, elevated, from, Herb Lingl, high, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, view, views, build, construct, CalTrans, California Department of Transportation, 2000s, 2005, infrastructure, offramp, overhead, overpass, progress, progressive, progression, raised, retrofit, urban, urbanized, beltway, drive, freeway, highway, infrastructure, interstate, motor way, route, thruway, transit, transport, turnpike, America, American, California, Californian, CA west, western, United States, US, USA, APMJ92, AHLB2301