Wildfires Northern California; 2017

aerial photograph of a spreading grassfire near Lakeport, CA shortly after ignition, Clear Lake, Lake County, California.
Filename: Spreading-grassfire-Clear-Lake-CA-aerial-AHLE0346.jpg
Copyright ©aerialarchives.com
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California Wildfires | Aerial Photography and Satellite Imagery
Copyright ©aerialarchives.com
View This Image's Galleries:
California Wildfires | Aerial Photography and Satellite Imagery
grassfire, grass, spread, spreading, Lakeport, Lake County, ignition, fire, fires, ablaze, burn, combust, damage, destroy, destruction, emergency, hazard, haze, hot, smoke, smoky, fire, wind, windy, propagation axis, propagation, highway, road, motor way, ignite, ignition, oak, lake, lakes, basin, basins, drainage, groundwater, hydrology, water, Mount Konocti, Mt. Konocti, Konocti, volcano, mountain, mountains, above, aerial, aerialarchives, Aerial Archives, aerials, air, elevated, from, Herb Lingl, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photograph, photography, view, views, America, American, Californian, CA, northern California, northern, west, western, United States, US, USA