aerial photograph of Bristol-Myers Squibb Lawrenceville Campus near Princeton University, Mercer County, New Jersey. The campus features 1.67 million square feet of building space on a 280 acre site. It is an early discovery site with research and development laboratories and offices.
Filename: Bristol-Myers-Squibb-Lawrenceville-NJ-campus-aerial-photo-AHLE0471.jpg
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University and College Aerial Photographs, New Jersey Aerial Photography
Copyright ©aerialarchives.com
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University and College Aerial Photographs, New Jersey Aerial Photography
Bristol-Myers Squibb, BMS, Lawrenceville, campus, corporate, Mercer County, New Jersey, early discovery, research and development, r& d, research, laboratories, labs, offices, Mercer County, New Jersey, pharma, pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, fall, autumn, capitalist, business, high tech, technology, innovate, innovation, aerial photograph, aerialarchives, aerials, air, elevated, from, Herb, Lingl, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photograph, photography, views, America, America, American, east, eastern, NJ, United, States, US, USA, AHLE0471