A turbine Cessna CTU206, N247CB on floats and a Progressive Aerodyne SeaRey LSA, N610SR, at dusk at the Clear Lake Seaplane Splash-In, Lakeport, Lake County, California. A SeaMax, M-22, N153KC, is parked behind the Cessna 206, only a small portion of that aircraft is visible in this photograph.
Filename: SeaRey-Cessna-210-seaplanes-Clear-Lale-Splash-In-AHLE0457.jpg
Copyright © Herb Lingl/aerialarchives.com
View This Image's Galleries:
Clear Lake Splash In Lakeport California, Seaplane Photographs | Herb Lingl
Copyright © Herb Lingl/aerialarchives.com
View This Image's Galleries:
Clear Lake Splash In Lakeport California, Seaplane Photographs | Herb Lingl
Cessna, 206, C-206, turbine, CTU206, N247CB, Progressive Aerodyne, SeaRey LSA, Light Sport Aircraft, N610SR, Splash-In, Lakeport, California, Lake County, Clear Lake, California, seaplane, prearranged, gathering, recreation, social, flying, fly-in, floatplane, floats, powered, fixed-wing, water, aircraft, flying boat, hydroplane, camping, RV, recreational vehicle, mobile home, California, northern Califonia, aeronautics, air, aviation, flight, flying, flow, general, navigation, transport, transportation, travel, traveling, travelling, aerialarchives, Herb Lingl, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photography views, America, American, California, Californian, CA, west, western, United States, US, USA, AHLE0457