Seaplanes docked at the Skylark Shores Resort at dawn during the Clear Lake Splash-In, Lakeport, California, Lake County, California including N461BD, a Cessna 172N on floats in the foreground, N8516M, a 182 SeaLane in the background, and a Super Cub on floats.
Filename: Docked-Seaplanes-Clear-Lake-Splash-In-AHLC2627.jpg
Copyright © Herb Lingl/aerialarchives.com
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Seaplane Photographs | Herb Lingl, Aircraft Photography | Herb Lingl, Clear Lake Splash In Lakeport California
Copyright © Herb Lingl/aerialarchives.com
View This Image's Galleries:
Seaplane Photographs | Herb Lingl, Aircraft Photography | Herb Lingl, Clear Lake Splash In Lakeport California
Skylark Shores Resort, N461BD, Cessna, 172N, on floats, N8516M, Cessna 182, SeaLane. Super Cub, dock, docked, dawnSplash-In, Lakeport, California, Lake County, California, Seaplane, reflection, reflections, Foothill Aviation, Bigfoot Air, Pickelweed Flying Club, prearranged, gathering, recreation, social, flying, fly-in, floatplane, floats, powered, fixed-wing, water, aircraft, flying boat, hydroplane, California, northern Califonia, aeronautics, air, aviation, flight, flying, flow, general, navigation, transport, transportation, travel, traveling, travelling, aerialarchives Herb Lingl, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photography views, America, American, California, Californian, CA, west, western, United States, US, USA, AHLC2627