historical aerial photograph Mexican American border at Tijuana, Mexico and San Ysidro, California, 1962 | fotografía aérea histórica de la frontera México-Americana 1966

historical aerial photograph Mexican American border at Tijuana, Mexico and San Ysidro, California, 1962 | fotografía aérea histórica de la frontera México-Americana 1966
Filename: San-Ysidro-1962-border-crossing-historical-aerial-photo-AHLV4562.jpg
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1960s Historical Aerial Photographs, Mexico Aerial Photographs, Tijuana Mexico Aerial Photography Fotografía Aérea, Highways and Freeways | Aerial Photographs, California Historical Aerial Photography, San Diego Historical Aerial Photography, Mexican American Border Aerial Photographs
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1960s Historical Aerial Photographs, Mexico Aerial Photographs, Tijuana Mexico Aerial Photography Fotografía Aérea, Highways and Freeways | Aerial Photographs, California Historical Aerial Photography, San Diego Historical Aerial Photography, Mexican American Border Aerial Photographs
Mexican, American, border, Tijuana, Mexico, San Ysidro, California, 1962, 1960s, I-5, crossing, boundary, frontier, historical aerial photograph, antique, historic, old, vintage, city, metro, metropolitan, municipal, municipality, urban, urbanized, beltway, drive, freeway, highway, infrastructure, interstate, motor, way, road, route, thruway, transit, transport, turnpike, aerial, map, straight, down, image, imagery, vertical, aerialarchives, aerials, air, elevated, from, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photograph, photography, views, America, American, California, Californian, CA, west, western, United States, US, USA, black and white, monotone, duotone, central, America, Latin, American, Hispanic, Mexican, Mexico, San Diego county, AHLV4562