aerial photograph of the Lions Gate Bridge and the North Shore of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

aerial photograph of the Lions Gate Bridge and the North Shore of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Filename: Lions-Gate-Bridge-Vancouver-aerial-photo-AHLE1631.jpg
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British Columbia Aerial Photographs, Railroad Aerial Photographs, Bridges | Aerial Photographs, Vancouver British Columbia Aerial Photographs
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British Columbia Aerial Photographs, Railroad Aerial Photographs, Bridges | Aerial Photographs, Vancouver British Columbia Aerial Photographs
Lions Gate Bridge, North Shore, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Burrard Inlet, Vancouver Harbor, suspension bridge, bridge, rail, railroad, National Historic Site of Canada, North Vancouver, sulfur, city, metro, metropolitan, municipal, municipality, urban, urbanized, above, aerial, aerialarchives, Aerial Archives, aerials, air, elevated, from, Herb Lingl, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photograph, photography, view, views, BC, CA, Canadian, west, western, AHLE1631