Aerial photograph of Veracruz, Mexico | Fotografía aérea de Veracruz, México

aerial photograph of the World Trade Center, Plaza Las Américas mall, Galería Plaza hotel and a Cinépolis IMAX Theater, Veracruz, Mexico | fotografía aérea del World Trade Center, el centro comercial Plaza Las Américas, el hotel Galería Plaza y el Teatro Cinépolis IMAX, Veracruz, México
Filename: Veracruz-World-Trade-Center-aerial-photo-AHLB5400.jpg
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Veracruz Mexico Aerial Photographs, Fotografías Aéreas de Veracruz, México, Mexico Aerial Photographs
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Veracruz Mexico Aerial Photographs, Fotografías Aéreas de Veracruz, México, Mexico Aerial Photographs
World Trade Center, Plaza Las Américas, mall, Galería Plaza, hotel and a Cinépolis, IMAX, Theater, Veracruz, Mexico, Gulf of Mexico, gulf, city, business, commerce, retail, shop, shopping, metro, metropolitan, municipal, municipality, urban, urbanized, Aerial Archives, above, aerial, aerialarchives, aerial photography, aerial view, aerial views, aerial photograph, aerials, from above, overview, overviews, air, elevated, from, Herb Lingl, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, photograph, photography, view, views, America, American, central, ciudad, Hispanic, Latin, Mexican, BB0P5R, AHLB5400