Taboga, Panama | Image ID: AHLB5160

aerial photograph of Taboga, Taboga Island, Gulf of Panama, Panama | fotografía aérea de Taboga, Isla de Taboga, Golfo de Panamá
Filename: Tabogo-Island-Panama-aerial-photo-AHLB5160.jpg
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Central America Aerial Photography, Fotografías Aéreas de Panamá, Panama Aerial Photographs
Copyright ©
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Central America Aerial Photography, Fotografías Aéreas de Panamá, Panama Aerial Photographs
Taboga, Taboga Island, island, volcanic, beach, coast, coastal, Pacific, ocean, shore, shoreline, forest, Panama, town, city, tourism, attraction, Gulf of Panama, aerial, above, aerialarchives, aerials, air, elevated, from, Herb, Lingl, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photograph, photography, views, central, America, American, Hispanic, Latin, Panamanian, Republic, B4EPEE, AHLB5160