Attendees at the 2019 Clear Lake Seaplane Splash-In, Lakeport, Lake County, California are watching a seaplane taxi onto the Natural High School lawn. Two Grumman Widgeons, N3TD, a SCAN Type 30,and N8661, a Grumman G-44A , parked in the background.
Filename: Widgeons-Clear-Lake-Splash-In-2019-AHLC3930.jpg
Copyright © Herb Lingl/aerialarchives.com
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Clear Lake Splash In Lakeport California, Seaplane Photographs | Herb Lingl
Copyright © Herb Lingl/aerialarchives.com
View This Image's Galleries:
Clear Lake Splash In Lakeport California, Seaplane Photographs | Herb Lingl
Attendees, public, 2019, Clear Lake Splash In, Grumman, Widgeon, Widgeons, N3TD, SCAN, Type 30, N8661, G-44A, Natural High School, Splash-In, Lakeport, California, Lake County, Clear Lake, California, seaplane, prearranged, gathering, recreation, social, flying, fly-in, floatplane, floats, powered, fixed-wing, water, aircraft, flying boat, hydroplane, multi engine, twin engine, twin, multi, California, northern Califonia, aeronautics, air, aviation, flight, flying, flow, general, navigation, transport, transportation, travel, traveling, travelling, aerialarchives, Herb Lingl, high, image, over, overhead, overlooking, overview, photography views, America, American, California, Californian, CA, west, western, United States, US, USA, AHLC3930